Fallen Angels Found Chained Under Euphrates River Time To Expect Rapture
Saying to the Sixth angel which had the trumpet, loose the four angels which are bound in the great, euphratesriver And the four angels were loosed, to smite one third of the Earth , rapture, rapturedream One of the most talked about Biblical prophecies this month is obviously that of River Euphrates. From Revelation 9:14 and 15, the Bible confirms that the are four fallen angels bonded in chains under the Euphrates River which lies in Western Asia, and those angels will be released to smite one third of the Earth in the end time when after the Euphrates have dried up. The Mysterious Tunnel Found Under The Euphrates: After a large portion of the great Euphrates River dried up, recent expeditions on the river bed led to the discovery of a giant mysterious tunnel which extended deep into the Earth. It is obvious that no human could dig such a giant tunnel under a giant river like the Euphrates. We cannot tell for sure when the tunnel was built but many people are spe