The Saar For Germany (1935)
Full title reads: The Saar for Germany scenes in Saarbrucken. Saar region. C, U of page of calendar Januar 13 Sonntag (January 13 Sunday). L, S of trams going up street. Various shots people voting, including Herr Franz Von Papen, Saarlander born and former German Chancellor. Night shot of ballot boxes on truck driving into returning hall. The boxes are guarded by British Army soldiers of East Lancashire regiment. M, S of man walking out of poling station probably President of Plebiscite Commission (name unknown) giving orders to neutral clerks to start vote count. Night shots of German soldiers with swastika banners marching through streets, crowds of pavement welcome them with Nazi salute. L, S of group of men sitting on desk on stage. The secretary of the Plebiscite commission stands and reads the results. Various shots of ballot boxes being tipped onto table and papers being counted. Night shot of street decorated with lights. More shots results being announced. Saar