An ever growing food supply is required to feed an ever growing world population. But what forms a part of this food supply, other than the obvious farming, agriculture etc there is a smaller, rather underestimated participant. The humble bee. Apart from their obvious role in producing honey, bees play a far more gigantic role in the ecosystem as Pollinators. Pollination is vital to life on our planet. It is through pollination that plants are fertilised and able to produce their next generation, including the fruit and the crops we eat. Bees and other pollinators have thrived for millions of years, ensuring the availability of food, and maintaining biodiversity and vibrant ecosystems Many plants depend on bees or other insects as pollinators. There are over 20, 000 known species of bee globally and only some of these are the famous Honeybee. We may take them and other pollinators like butterflies for granted. But the fact remains that we need bees, thanks to them we can enjoy our coffee, apples, almond