GSC International Womens Day Special BITCH ( Meredith Brooks)
I HATE THE WORLD TODAY never mind, we ll cheer you up This wonderful GO SING CHOIR crowd gathered for around 2 hours on the International Women s Day 2020 to rehearse Meredith Books s BITCH have fun and enjoy the power of singing together. If you want to join us, now is the time: GO SING CHOIR becomes STAY SING CHOIR you can stay at home and we ll rehearse and record the songs online. Check out our Facebook and homepage for more details. For now, we ll do it in German. Let us know, if you are interested in an English STAY SING CHOIR event. A big THANK YOU to our wonderful video crew Camera: Pius Neumaier, Niklas Bühler Sound: Niklas Bühler, Clemens v. Finckenstein Editing: Pius Neumaier