Pokemon Team Rocket Original Style
Do you like Team Rocket and their motto Do you like Original Series DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE: Enjoy the series of Pokemon videos Want more videos like this Support us on Patreon Small rewards with special ranks available Want to download Visit below SHORT SUMMARY: The amazing villains of the series, Jessie, James, and Meowth are always planning up a way to capture Ash s Pikachu, who they have deemed to be exceptionally special, strong, and worthy of giving as a gift to their boss, Giovanni. Originally, they usually worked as a standalone branch of Team Rocket. This even led Giovanni to forget that they were members of the crime organization to begin with At the end of Diamond and Pearl, however, he took notice of them again, and gave them a special mission in the Unova region. As a result, the trio became more competent, getting involved in bigger and more elaborate schemes masterminded by some h