Massage Tutorial: Reflexology basics, techniques, routine
Want to incorporate some basic reflexology techniques into your massage routine This is my approach, and it doesn t require any special knowledge of meridians, organs, etc. It s just a unique way of working with the foot for extended periods, providing a very different (and wonderful) foot massage experience. The main technique used in reflexology (3:00) is a compress, slide tool that I ve most often heard called the As I demonstrate, it s important to keep your thumb reasonably close to the rest of your hand as you do this, allowing your thumb muscles to mostly act as stabilizers rather than prime movers. Apply pressure, straighten the thumb, then apply pressure again, allowing your thumb to inch its way up, across the foot as you do. Feel free to lighten up as you straighten your thumb joint to prevent thumb strain and pain under the thumbnail. The basic reflexology routine (5:51) starts with strips up the foot, following lines from the heel to each toe. Y