Throughout history, art has survived the tidal wave of information, and changing world conditions to remain an unpredictable source of imagination, energy and power. It has the possibilities of changing ones thoughts, opening new ideas, and borrowing through all our everyday struggles to remind us of who we really are and why we are on the planet. I firmly believe that art remains one of the strongest ways we can share our thoughts and ideas. Just one new idea can change a persons perception and although the world may not change in an instant by art, its slow and insipid spread into the active part of our brain ensures that it will tell stories and live on long after we are gone. Art leaves the artists studio and makes its way around the world. The original inspiration the artist had in mind while creating it may fade, however, the power each artist imbues in their works, their strong content, intentions and emotions, remain vital and resonate over time in a personal and unique way to each