DISSOLVE Full Animated Short
In this 3D animated short we follow the journey of a little Gecko, living inside an Alzheimers patient mind, resembling his earliest childhood memory. As the disease progresses, neurons start falling apart and his memories descend from above. The Gecko intuitively tries to catch them before they fade, but there are simply too many for him to Guyss This is our finished 5th project We had quite a hassle with this and the story is a bit tricky, but it s finally done Nevertheless, I am very satisfied with my team and I look forward to improving my skills in regards of animation in our next project. It s our first time animating in Blender and it was a very sweet experience in comparison to Maya. Info: Sculpted in Zbrush, Textured in Substance Painter, Rigged and Animated in Blender, Lighting in Houdini, Rendered in Redshift, Edited in Nuke and DaVinci and a few more Softwares. Team: Scyrina, Carina Heller: Jasmin Sauer: