Anno Domini On This New Day 1971 ( Full Album)
1) Rock And Roll Star 5. 12 2) On This New Day 2. 01 3) The Badlands Of Ardgurth 3. 20 4) Regency Days 2. 57 5) Hitchcock Railway 5. 17 6) The Good Life I Have Known 3. 18 7) The Trapper 2. 32 8) Daddy Rollin 4. 19 9) Five O Clock In The Morning 3. 11 10) June Tremayne 3. 26 11) Hitchcoock Railway 4. 31 Band Are; David Mercer Vocals, Rhythm Guitar, Bass. Kerry Scott Vocals, Bongos, Harmonica. Tiger Taylor Vocals, Lead Guitar, Acoustic. Ireland Band Pre Eire Apparent Anno Domini On This New Day 1971 Mega Raro Album contiene 11 brani che arrivano a 40 minuti di musica Prog. Rock Folk Un album dalle tante bellezze Il Gladiatore consiglia l ascolto.