Okinawas Superman: KIYOHIDE SHINJO sensei walks us through the essence of UECHI RYU Karate
We had the honor of asking sensei Kiyohide Shinjo, nicknamed Okinawas Superman due to his remarkable achievements and now a 10thdegree blackbelt, the essence of UechiRyu karate as well as his aspirations for future generations. Take a look. Interview: Youngmin Lee Visual, audio: Gen Fujita, Julian Hong, Tsukumo Kitagawa Edit: Tsukumo Kitagawa, Youngmin Lee Translation: Rin Ghosh Special Thanks to Shinjo Sensei. , japan, okinawa, uechiryu, karate, martialarts, combat, combatsports, kobudo, okinawakarate, sensei, champloo , 沖縄空手, 上地流, 上地流空手, 空手, 格闘技, 空手家 , 武道, 武術, 沖縄, 伝統空手, チャンプルー