Uncle Remus Full Audiobook by Joel Chandler Harris
Uncle Remus Full Audiobook by Joel Chandler Harris Many readers will already be familiar with Uncle Remus favorite animal characters Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox among them and some of the popular tales concerning them. (To this day, tar baby as an expression for a particularly sticky situation that is almost impossible to solve, has passed into the English language and common use. ) Even people who have never read any of these tales will know exactly why you dont throw a rabbit into a briar patch, mainly because Walt Disney produced his first movie ever to use professional actors with animation, called Song of the South, based on the Uncle Remus tales. Joel Chandler Harris, a newsman in Georgia, grew up listening to folktales told by the local black population. Later, he published his version of these tales in a series of stories printed in the Atlanta Constitution. The tales of, and by, Harris chief character Uncle Remus, an old black man scrabbling to make his living in the postCivil War Sou