VARG Achtung ( Official Video), Napalm Records
OUT NOW Get the brand new VARG record Das Ende Aller Lügen US customers: iTunes: Already the opener, which will be an established monument of the Germans live set within a very short time, presents VARGs new direction: The political leaders of the world exposed as false prophets and seducers, VARG invokes the united resistance. Uncompromisingly, the herd chants together as a solid, massive structure to conjure up the Revolution a track that not only pushes forward with both anthemic and martial character, but also encourages revelry, a sound that carries throughout the entire album. Although VARG are more monstrous than ever, Das Ende aller Lügen is perhaps one of the best examples that the calm always comes before the storm, how the calming moments that tend to emphasize the coming thunder and accentuate it. This concept is perfectly executed in Achtung an