Squalid Living Conditions Of Hong Kongs Poor Population
Cage Dwellers (2010): Despite its wealth, Hong Kong is leaving its poor to rot in squalid conditions. With one toilet per floor and just a few square feet to their name, thousands of cage dwellers live no better than animals. Subscribe to journeyman for daily uploads: For similar stories, see: The Horrible Plight of Hong Kong s Poor The Gap Between Rich and Poor is Only Getting Wider Why are the UK s poor getting poorer Many can t afford three meals a day or even water, the rent is not even cheap says human rights activist Sze Lai. She introduces us to 79yearold Dai, who has spent 30 years in a cage. Ten other men share his room. Piled up to the ceiling, their cages would look shocking in a zoo. A chief worry is hygiene. 8yearold Jes