Inside North Korea by an American Tourist Part 1 of 4 HD ( TRAIN PORTION)
Train travel from China to Cult Korea: BeijingPyongyang. May 2010. See Videos 2, 3 and 4 for the walking tour of NK. This was a propaganda tour that brings tourists to the country s showcase cities and fertile regions. These videos give people thinking about visiting NK an overview of what they will see there (A variety of tours are offered but itineraries are often similar). South Korea maintains a cowardly and disturbing indifference to the large scale atrocities occurring in North Korea. In the 68 years since the division of the Korean Peninsula, South Korweakens have lost their sense of unity and urgency. S. Korea has many options if it wanted the Northern regime to collapse. South Korea has the world s 7th strongest military, 50 times the GDP, generations more advanced weaponry, and significant leverage with China. It s their moral prerogative and greater national interest to reunify the Korean peninsula. The problem will not go away by ignoring it. Every year South Korea continues to app