Jimmy Buck Breakin the law
FROM THE DOG TO THE . . . . Produced Maxi Beatz Rec, Mix, Rap, Jimmy CZA Buck Lyricks translated on (English ) Quintessence of decline, digital technology, in search of pleasure without mollusks, the essence is the strong, (heroin) that is why Geraniou is sold, you trade in the pen, after you appreciate the necessities, negativity in the saddle, that is why you did not tame the horse, love is the crack, tell me how you feel, dirty foreign sex for rusfe, proudly in the embarrassment of the moment when you look in the mirror, you laugh, do not choloskas, everyone is looking for the fugitive, it becomes an annual joy, application of the Mosaic law, murderous instincts, unconditional delivery, of the predetermined contract, anointed by road laws, springs of Eusphorus, now you understand what the underworld is called, a child was counting the stars, but in the mud he found a diamond, the caretaker took it, it was sold to give birth to another revolutionary in this Nika, thro