Deformation Space DS 01 S ( Masterpiece Skywarp)
My absolute favorite among all the seekers, the teleporting trickster Skywarp Same pros and cons from the first 2 releases; Tight joints (too tight) on some areas, null ray pegs are ridiculously tight and had to be shaved down, getting used to the difficulty of the transformation but still cumbersome. Still lacking accessories and the back fillers etc. but STILL awesome and the best looking and value for money seekers set to date in my opinion. This thing is fantastic. The sculpt, the articulation, the paint are STILL topnotch. I love it I love I LOVE IT , DeformationSpace, Skywarp , LegendaryToyCollections20 , TransformersMasterpiece, masterpiecetransformers , transformers3rdparty, transformerstoyphotography, transformerscollector, transformerscollection, transformers, growingupinthe90s, growingupinthe80s, toycollector, toycollection, toyphotography Music and voice content not mine. Made for purely entertainment purposes only. I am on YouTube as Legendary Toycollections20 When youre not bus