Patch from Scratch 001, , NE Manis Iteritas, Pamelas New Workout, MI Plaits, Thonk Prok and
A Patch from Scratch, 10 minutes to work something out a la Fact Magazine s Against the Clock. , ,patch notes, , Clock sent from the Varigate +4 into Pamela s New Workout. Pamela s sending gates to Thonk Prok BD for the kick, a random looped pattern to the Manis Iteritas as well as a trigger. Gates to Plaits and TipTop Hats909, including the accent. Varigate sending a gate to the Thonk Prok CP for a clap. Erica Synths Mixer spitting audio out to the main in MN Rosie and off to a uClouds for some reverb a