Dual Drive Gear Extruder Upgrade + E Steps on Creality Ender 3
Chuck tests a Dual Drive Gear Extruder and adjusts ESteps on Creality Ender 3. It s the same extruder used on the 600 CR10S Pro. He compares the stock Creality Ender 3 Extruder with the Duel Drive Gear Extruder and then shows you the Dual Drive Gear Extruder Installation and Calibrates the be ESteps on Creality Ender 3. Check it out. It may be what you need to upgrade your Creality Ender 3. Dual Drive Gear Extruder Kit: USA: UK: Creality Ender 3: From Banggood : From : From Gearbest : From MatterHackers: Direct from Creality: Creality Ender 3, CR10 Parts: Creality Silent Stepper Board: Cap Tubes Couplings: CR10, Creality Ender 3 Nozzles: am