CG5 Ocean Blue (, Team Seas Original Song)
Donate at Let s do this together STREAM NOW Links below Spotify Apple Music Vocals, Production, Composition, Lyrics by CG5 Lyrics, Vocals, Guitars by Precious Jewel Amor Guitars by RichaadEB Animation by SADist , teamseas Follow CG5 s social media: Twitter Twitch Spotify Instagram Follow CG5LIVE, CG5Covers, CG5 Instrumentals Discord Server LYRICS: There s no place I d rather be than Lingering in the ocean blue (Whenever I see the creatures swim I feel completely on a whim) Lie down and feel the coolest breeze, There s nothing else I want to do (But everything changed, now they are gone My home s not fine, not fine at all) I remember when I put my feet on the sand, The happiness I feel s too much to stand Now everything I see is sludge and trash and ships hunting with thei