Mayfair Colour Centre (1956)
Berkeley Square, London. C, U of a sign over a doorway reading Mayfair Colour Centre. M, S of a smart young couple, John and Mary Abbott, walking into an office. After speaking to the receptionist, they walk into a small room and sit at a table where a lady consultant is waiting to give advice on colour schemes in the home. High angle M, S showing numerous colour swatches spread out on the table; the consultant discusses various colours with the couple and makes notes, then all three walk to another room where they look at several coloured panels. Commentator says The Centre advises on the general colour for there are many simple rules that promote harmony and prevent headaches later. The couple sit before a special light box as the consultant fits coloured panels inside; differing lighting on each panel shows how the colour may look in the home. A model room is placed before the couple, showing how cool and warm colours can make a room look larger or smaller. M, S of chief consultant