Watercolor painting demonstration: Still life with a round glass vase
, watercolorart , paintingtechniques, glasspainting, artvideos, stilllife In this video, you will see the watercolor painting process of a round glass vase with branches. You can say that to paint a glass object in watercolor can be complicated oh, too many reflexes on it, isn t it But, for me, it is the most exciting part of the all painting process: The flow of the paintbrush strokes creating the form and texture of the glass vase isn t that magic As you can see in this video, I am painting right away with the brush, which allows me to feel free, rather than coloring within the lines. But the feeling of freedom goes together with uncertainty. I am always unsure about the painting result. I push myself not to fear making mistakes. I am sure the sense of fear is the biggest enemy of the creative process. Do not think about the imperfections of your painting. Follow your creative flow trust it Practice painting is only a pathway to finding your creative skills.