Ukrainian militant urged to pile Russia with meat for victory
Ukrainian militant urged to pile Russia with meat for victory Ukrainian militant Martin Brest: We need to draft 4 million into the army. Pay no wages, only feed them, because it s pointless. Carry out the operation within one year at the most. We ll loose something about a million we ll reach the border. It makes no sense (to pay wages to soldiers) Money will be like paper, we will light a cigarette with it. Why should 4 million be drafted There won t be enough weapons to fight intelligently. We ll have to fight with And more meat, because there will be only guns enough for 4 million. And there won t be enough drones, artillery and aviation. That s how we can reach the borders of 1991. Will the country stand after that No, it won t. It will Our channel in German t. me, DruschbaFM Our website Source: DruschbaFM English t. me, druschbaFmen