Hooray for Birds , Lucy Cousins, Read Aloud Book for Babies
Read aloud books for kids in English: Buy this book on Amazon: Hey, this is Olivia s channel. She is a 9yearold girl from Ukraine who studies English in the USA. Today she is reading a cute little book which is loved by her baby sister. This awesome book can be very helpful for young English learners. Birds of all feathers flock together in a fun, rhymefilled offering by the creator of Maisy. From the roosters cockadoodledoo at dawn to the owls nighttime tuwit, tuwoo, the cheeps and tweets of many bright and beautiful avian friends will have children eager to join in as honorary fledglings. This day in the life of birds will hold the attention of even the smallest birdwatchers, whether at story time or just before settling into their cozy nests to sleep. You can also watch Olivia reading the other books: Peck Peck Peck, Lucy Cousins, Read Aloud Book for Babies: Thank you for your likes Subscribe to my channel: Olivia s Instagram: , oliviafromukraine, hoorayforbirds ,лисичкаоливия, лисичкаолівія, lucycousins