Charlie Griffiths 8 Presets, Quad Cortex
Get Charlies s Presets: Charlie Griffiths, guitarist for British Progressive Metal band Haken, proudly presents his debut solo album Tiktaalika. With musical roots still firmly in the progressive realm, Charlie draws from his love of oldschool 80s thrash, 90s techmetal and alternative rock. Running the gamut from melodic to avantgarde to straightup heavy, you might say Tiktaalika bridges the gap between King Crimson and King Diamond This concept album was 375 million years in the making, with the 9 tracks drawing inspiration from themes of geological time, fossilisation, transformation and humanitys connections with each other and the planet we inhabit. The Griffithspenned lyrics are given voice by some of the best vocalists in the business: Tommy Rogers (Between the Buried And Me), Danïel De Jongh (Textures), Vladimir Lalić (Organised Chaos) and Neil Purdy (Lunas Call). The album also features a host of guest musicians: