LAPD Cops Shoot Suspect After Walking Toward Them While Armed With a Knife
(Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) Los Angeles, California On October 31, 2021, around LAPD Van Nuys Division officers responded to a radio call of a vandalism suspect later was identified as 46yearsold Melkon Michaelidis. Michaelidis was reported to be possibly suffering from mental illness and breaking windows and property inside his residence. Upon their arrival, the officers attempted to communicate with Michaelidis for approximately 40 minutes from outside his residence and convince him to exit. Michaelidis refused, and after determining no one else was inside the residence, the officers tactically disengaged and cleared the scene. At around a second radio call was generated when Michaelidis was observed outside his residence armed with two knives and vandalizing parked vehicles. Van Nuys patrol officers ultimately encountered Michaelidis on Victory Boulevard west of Matilija Avenue holding a knife