Ambience, ASMR: Sherlock Holmes Parlour, 221 B Baker Street ( Victorian London), 4 Hours
List of Sounds: the labyrinthine streets in a city of millions resounding with the drumbeat of a million hooves: the light agile trot of a horse hansom cab over wide boulevards; the tinny clipclop of a pony cart through a narrow, reverberating alley; the steady gait of a draught horse dray, with the squeaks strains shifts of heavy cargo; the quick rumble of a hackney growler, once stately enough, decades ago, to be called a clarence carriage; the stodgy, reliable plodding of a doubledeck horsetram or omnibus; the confident stride of conspicuously wellkept horses bearing an occasional roadcoach, some may say for sport, others for frivolity the quick, directive whistling of drivers the neighing of their charges the abrupt whiz whir of a bicycle, dodging obstacles of both man and horse the rap tap shuffle of footsteps in continuous pedestrian procession, sometimes fashionably booted, sometimes shoed in ta