Very Rare Songs The Klan: Back Again Someday
In America The Klan might have some negative connotations, but to a group of kids in Brussels in 1963 it sounded like the perfect band name (good enough to have chosen it over their original name Los Ombres ). They soon began adding a disclaimer to their name, written as The Klan (Belgium Band), to prevent any further confusion. Regardless of the cheeky title, The Klan were a wonderful baroque pop outfit with one exceptional full length LP to their credit. The songs on 1966 s Join Us are incredibly musical and far more considered than the typical pop fair of the time. , ,,, ,,, ,,, ,, RIDDLE: Two men, John and Frank, fought a duel with guns. Each shot their opponent in the heads, using real guns with real bullets, but neither John nor Frank died. How is this possible THE CORRECT ANSWER: This Riddle is a cortesy from CoolRiddles Youtube Channel: