Happy Birthday January Babies Fresh Crunchy Blocks and powdery reformed gym chalk
Hey Chalkers, Im not leaving my house early My sister calls at 5 this morning asking when Im coming over to help. Me: Im coming at 11 Sis: we have food to cook, you need to get here before 8 Bad side: We dont need to do nothing Me: this is a toddler party What food we have to make that takes that long The party starts at 2. Sis: we have adults coming Me: well adults should expect to eat kid food since they are going to a kids party. Order sub sandwiches for the adults and make meatballs Sis: we cant feed that too our family Bad side: everyone in our family eat that Tell her rass to get to cooking, if she want to make a Thanksgiving Spread Me: this my last day of vacation, Im not coming before 11 You still want me to come, yes or no Sis: can you get here by 10:30 and bring breakfast Me: I already ate, do DoorDash Please like and subscribe If you want to help support my powdery wishes, my amazon link is below.