Best Star Wars VR Experiences: Squadrons, Vader, Tales From The Galaxy s Edge
HAPPY STAR WARS DAY and May the 4th be with Always Don Hopper breaks down some of our favorite Star Wars experiences that you can have in VR right now. You can read more about these and other great Star Wars VR experiences here: Follow us : x. com, UploadVR : : , VR, maythe4thbewithyou, starwars 00:00 Introduction 01:27 SW Squadrons Trailer 03:22 SW Squadrons Gameplay 04:24 Vader Immortal Trailer 06:08 Vader Immortal Gameplay 07:05 Tales from the Galaxy s Edge Trailer 09:16 Tales from the Galaxy s Edge Gameplay 10:09 Team Beef JKXR Mod Trailer with Gameplay 11:06 Star Wars Pinball Trailer 12:29 Star Wars Pinball Gameplay 13:28 Final Thoughts