Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco, Vogelweide, (complete)
Performed on the 29th of July 2018, in Lamole (Florence, Italy), with Elena Cavini as mezzo, and Andrea Botto, guitar. Composed between 27th nov. 1959 and 18th Jan. 1959. 00 00 I, Schlimme Zeiten (Bad Times) 02 09 II, Magdeburger Weihnacht (Xmas in Magdeburg) 04 09 III, Die Roemische Opfersteure (Unfair Roman Taxation) 05 36 IV, Gott Unergrundlich (Inscrutable God) 07 27 V, Unnatur (against Nature) 08 06 VI, Reimar, der Mensch und der Kuenstler (Reimar, the Man, the Artist) 10 17 VII, Preislied (Praise song) 12 58 VIII, Wahre Liebe (True Love) 15 45 IX, Der Traum (The Dream) 19 44 X, Unter der Linde (Under the linden tree) br, br,