TIE DYE MILK Easy Kids Science Experiments
a fun and easy science experiment for kids of all ages using ingredients found in your home PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE :) Free background music from Track Title Fun With Friends Here s What You ll Need: A shallow dish Whole Milk or Half Half Cream Food Colouring Dish Soap QTips Pour some whole milk into the dish. Put a few drops of food colouring into the milk. Dip one end of the Qtip into the dish soap and then dip it into the milk. Watch the tiedye action How it works: The dish soap breaks the surface tension of the milk, sending the food colouring swirling The dish soap also works to break down fat in the milk (just like it works to break down grease on your dirty dishes). During this process, the food colouring molecules are bumped and pushed around the dish.