Видео от Светланы Чернецкой
New Earth The Time Is Now, Ancient Skywalkers Rise Up You are being called into Wakefulness Stand in the Beauty and Power of your True Identity Set aside selfdoubt. You are a Divine Child Go where your Heart draws you to share your Great Gifts. Surrender to the Magic that you are as Love And the Miracle will be Manifested Here on Earth Remember, We Dance and Sing Here for the One Heart Excerpts from the Mayan Oracle Video, Art : Ellen Vaman One 1 Music; E Qu Drifting by Peter Ries YouTube Link; Extended Credits to; AA VFX, Datura glide trio, Tash, Maxres, argus film production , EllenVaman, PeterRies, Plotagraph NewYear, NewEarth, Peace, TribalDance, Gratitude, VisionaryArt, PhotoAnimation, Glitter, Star, Gif, Spiritual, Awakening, Love, Light, NewAge, Consciousness, Enlightenment, MusicVideo, Magical, Fantasy, Goddess, ThirdEye, SacredGeometry, Fractals, Cosmos, plotagraphambassadors