Music dream library, time water, mayflower notebook
during the festival, i ended up buying this notebook from one of the stalls. it was really shiny, caught my attention pretty quickly amongst all the other things. i thought it might be good to have a notebook that i liked, to try and keep up the momentum of writing down my thoughts and stream of consciousness, like vylet advised me to. the hippogriff shopkeep got all excited when i asked about the notebook dfskhjl it was cool to see them so into it. they explained that the notebook is a sort of artisan thing, like kinda fancy. but kind of not i dunno. it was made by. . claw clawmade. . at the base of mount aris by some really dedicated hippogriffs. the cover of the notebook had shown mount aris, embellished with little jewels. they called it a mayflower notebook. on the train back to clover village, i started writing stuff in it, as you know. i wrote down a lot about the trip and the things i was thinking at the time. but this is when things became really strange. im assuming this is what