Linkin Parks Mike Shinoda on Chester Bennington, Mental Health STREET SOLDIERS WEB EXTRA
Street Soldiers Web Extra: Lisa Evers talked to Linkin Parks Mike Shinoda about his new solo album called Post Traumatic, the death of bandmate Chester Bennington, and the future of Linkin Park. Shinoda told Lisa that his goal with the new songs was to peel away every layer of superficiality in the national mental health conversation. He spoke candidly about his friend Chester, who took his life in July 2017. Shinoda talked about the loss and the sadness but also the good memories and the therapeutic nature of songwriting. NOTE: Anyone who needs help can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 8002738255. You will be transferred to the crisis center nearest you. The calls are free and confidential. Para soporte de crisis en Español, llame 8886289454. , streetsoldiers, music, mentalhealth, mentalillness FIND SHINODA AND LINKIN PARK ONLINE: FIND LISA EVERS, FOX 5 AND STREET SOLDIERS ON SOCIAL: