The son of a NAZI says: screw your freedom and WE say: F k You F k Your Tyranny
Screw YOU Arnold Documents in the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, reviewed by The Times show that Gustav Schwarzenegger had DEEP involvement in Hitlers regime. One document in particular shows that Gustav Schwarzenegger was indeed a member of the Sturmabteilungen, also known as the storm troopers or brownshirts. He joined the SA on May 1, 1939, according to the entry in the archive file about six months after the storm troopers helped launch Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass, when Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were attacked across Germany and Austria and thousands of Jews were hauled off to concentration camps more Keep this in mind, Adolf Hitler, Austrian by birth, Arnold S. , Austrian by birth, Sigmund Freud, Austrian by birth. Austria has a long history of polluting the planet with tyrannical psychopaths. source: