Karate Training and Exam, , Black Belt exam, , SHOTOKAN KAI KARATE DO INDIA
In this video you will see the karate training and exam video which training is given by. . SHIHAN BIKRAM ROY 5th Dan Black Belt General secretary of National Referee, judge and Coach In this video you will see different kind of exercises of punch, kick, block, fighting, spearing, and other. In this video you will also see commando training, precommandotraining this training will help you to learn more and more. other video link Follow me on instagram , for promotion , Shotokankaikaratedoindian , Shihan , SENSI , karatetraining, Blackbeltexam, Blackbelt , karate, Blackbeltkaratetest, blackbeltcertificate, martialart, karatetraining , indianmartialart, kanfu , nunchacku , NewBlackbelt, shotokankaikaratedoindian , oss, karateexam