Out Takes, Cuts From Cp 623 Reel 2 Of 2 Airport Animals And The Great Fogel (1966)
Cuts (out takes, rushes) for stories in Colour Pictorial CP 623. The original stories are on Pathe Master tape PM0387. Cuts for story AIRPORT ANIMALS in CP 623. Mostly similar footage to the cut story; more shots of the baby elephant it looks a little distressed as it is directed to it s pen; a man hits it with a stick. M, S of the poor elephant tossing straw around in his caged cell. Several more shots of the baby orangutan; very cute it has a feeding bottle in it s mouth but doesn t suck, and turns it s head away as a banana is offered. The Labrador having it s ear cleaned does not want to get off the table in the vet s room; good shot of several shelves of vet s, doctor s potions and instruments. Numerous shots of the Rock Penguins being fed. Exterior L, S of the RSPCA Airport Hostel for Animals; one of the nurses arrives in a van and takes a carrying kennel out of the back. Cuts for story THE GREAT FOGEL in CP 623. Similar footage to the cut story; more shots of the cable car at Butl