dark drone ambient (black04 spooki faeri)
one way trip 00:00 vvia negativa 05:56 implicit ordera black tree blocks your waybjmix 10:39 apathysacrificial chamberedit 17:36 mist feelingsbjmix 20:52 implicit orderwe trudged our way homebjmix 28:12 the void 36:26 vo quam cito transit gloria mundi 40:17 manashunknown 47:36 callthe mirror reversed IIbjmix 56:57 vinto the lair of the damnedextended 1:04:52 vi want you to be my whorebjmix 1:10:39 of ninefragments of myselfextended 1:14:29 for bodysnatchersa man metallic 1:24:03 communionghosts on magnetic tape IIIbjmix 1:29:31 mysticathe wolves speak my name at midnightbjmix 1:38:45