Русские Витязи показали класс на авиасалоне Dubai Air Show, Russian Knights Dubai Air Show
Русские Витязи показали класс на авиасалоне Dubai AirShow, Russian Knights Dubai AirShow At the Dubai AirShow, our Russian Knights showed a class to foreign delegations. From the aerial stunts that our brave guys presented to the public, foreigners were shocked, to put it mildly. The world knows about the skill of Russian pilots, but giving them their due, they could not fly like this without a perfect aircraft, which was designed and refined to perfection by our engineers. The Dubai AirShow is one of the most respected in the world in its direction. And what to go around to about, the Arabs know how to spend money well on such events. Thank you for being with us, do not forget to subscribe to the channel, put your finger up, and write a couple of kind words about our brave pilots. Лицензия Лицензия Creative Commons Attribution (разрешено повторное использование) На авиасалоне Dubai AirSh