Mother Father Wound Healing Subliminal
Mother Father Healing Heal Mother Wound Heal Father Wound Strong Healthy Relationship with your inner mother Strong Healthy Relationship with your inner father Release any limiting beliefs and resistance formed due to the Mother and Father Wound Forgive your Mother Father Inner Child Healing Heal Release Abandonment Wound Trauma Description: This subliminal will help heal your father and mother wounds. I highly recommend you also listen to Blended Insights Reiki for Mother wound and Reiki for Father Wound as they both would greatly assist and help boost the effects. A little update for me: If you guys have been wondering a bit on why my uploading is taking a bit longer, Its usually because I have been experiencing a bit of a burnout. This burnout is usually due to me not only making subs for this channel but also making requested subs and also practicing my own affirmation making skills of a couple of personalized subs I created br, br,