Asian Paints, Where The Heart Is Season 6 Episode 1, Ft. Pooja Hegde
Pooja Hegdes abode of happiness is a collection of stories. Almost like a film reel running through the floor and the walls, each element in this home is a movie with love, life and drama that brings a feeling of belonging, comfort and calm to the superstar herself. The home makes use of space smartly, with hidden doors that reveal storage space. Colours through the home are in pastels, while the lights and fixtures around the house make use of exposed filaments as a motif. It s rare to see a home like this one: built with the wisdom of older homes in India, and paired with modern design aesthetic that mirrors the best in the world. Come, join us as we tour this beautiful blend of two worlds Click here for a beautiful décor styleguide inspired from Pooja Hegdes Home , AsianPaints, WhereTheHeartIs, PoojaHegde, Season