L3 WESCAMs MX 20 Product Video
WESCAM s MX20 Fully Digital. High Definition. Ultra LongRange MultiSensor, MultiSpectral Imaging and Targeting Systems MX20 Ideal for: HighAltitude; LongRange MPA and Persistent Surveillance MX20 Airborne Installations: FixedWing, RotaryWing, UAV, Aerostat FEATURES BENEFITS: MX20 True HD Cameras Superior imaging resolution from EO and IR cameras 2 megapixel EO zoom and spotter cameras True HD Digital Imaging Fully digital easily converts to analog to ease legacy integrations No image degradation due to compression Enhanced Local Area Processing (ELAP) Realtime image enhancement for EO Day, EO Night IR Increases standoff range Improves feature detection recognition High performance haze penetration SolidState IMUInside technology 5 axis stabilization All sensors share highest level of stabilization No calibration required for LRU swapout Auto align to aircraft