Modern Trying out Blue Red Prowess
Hey all, I m trying to do my homework in advance of covering the swiss portion of the ManaTraders Modern tournament this upcoming Saturday. Looking around at decklists, I saw that Kanister did well with BlueRed prowess in a Modern preliminary, so I decided to take his version out for a spin. However, I didn t believe in Serum Visions, (and is still unclear to me if the card actually belongs in the shell or not), so I replaced those and 1 Wild Slash with 3 Opt, instead. At its core, BlueRed prowess plays out similarly to most red aggressive decks (try to get on board, then use spells to pump up your suite of cheap but prowess creatures) Expressive Iteration really took this deck to the next level, being a phenomenal version of Night s Whisper. Decklist: My twitter: My twitch: If you enjoy this, please follow, sub, like, comment, share with your friends