n0trixx what if this were my last breath Music Video
This is the official music video to a song the name of which is censored by YT but you can find the links below. Stream the song: Spotify: Soundcloud: Prod n0trixx Mixing and Mastering External Subway externalsubway Cover art: Halo Blaack haloblaack Director, DOP: Ivan Volkov volkovvanya Producer: Anzhelika Purtova apurtova Screenplay: Matthew Bennett FMA12Gage Art Director: Rina Aksakova rinaaksakovaportfolio Art Production Assistant: Vladimir Kashurkin phantom013 Makeup artist: Margarita Petrova margaritapetrovamua Editor: Matthew Bennett FMA12Gage VFX: Rina Aksakova rinaaksakovaportfolio, Georgiy Voroshev gvoroshev Colorist: Eli Jackiewicz Support n0trixx on Patreon: Follow n0trixx: