Heart of Gold, Animated Short Film ( ACCD Thesis)
A young woman cruelly rejected by her church seeks the assistance of an exiled necromancer to help her create the perfect offering to win her priest over. Official Selection in the 3rd LA Student Film Festival (2021) This was the film I storyboarded and directed for my final year at Art Center College of Design. I am so immensely grateful for the help and support of my classmates and friends during the production of this film, I definitely couldn t have done it without them. Credits with social media links: Amber Avara Director, Storyboard Artist, Character Animator, Compositor Vicky Xie Lead Designer, BG Painter Tony Hsueh Soundtrack Composer Jose Chipi Estrada Sound Designer Additional Animators Gaoge Ren Saira Vargas Tiffany Chen Layout Alice Yang William M