Tombe la neige SALVATORE ADAMO
Another video posted by Oceanflower, WhiteOceanflower, Newoceanflower2008 , NEWoceanflower2008, oceanflower1, OceanflowerDream (Andreea), erased and reuploaded by me for somebody special (Lady Edelweiss). Unfortunately youtube allows only a very limited number of characters in this field. So below you ll find a list of links (dedications to Lady Edelweiss) with the whole list of dedications by clicking on vezi detalii. The new video Tombe la neige Salvatore Adamo done by Andreea Petcu can be seen here: 7. 18. 22. 33. 44. 49. 50. 51. 54. 58. 61. 74. 78. 105. 116. 118. 119. 129. 143. 150. 159. 160. 170. 171. 176. 180. 184. 187. 195.