Brutal Sphincter Hellfest 2022 OFFICIAL HD FULL LIVE FOOTAGE
The Saturday 18th June 2022, we had the huge opportunity to hit the Altar Stage at the greatest French metal festival Hellfest. We had the blast of our life and we hope that you will enjoy this live video as much as we do Booking : Sphinctroduction + Hijab Is Feminism 00:00 Marc Dutroux National Hero 02:40 Autistic Meltdown 04:48 Anders Breivik Utoya Party 06:44 Infibulation Championship 08:44 The Art Of Squirting 12:02 Alex Jones The Reptiloid King 13:16 AnalHu Akbar 15:16 Make GoreGrind Great Again 17:28 Prohibit Anime 19:22 Unvaxxed Lives Matter : 21:46 GoreGrind Number One : 25:25 Stream us on your favorite music platforms in just a few clicks : This link smartlink will lead you to a landing page where you will