K POP IN PUBLIC PURPLE KISS (퍼플키스) Sweet Juice + Intro: Save me dance cover by MOTTIS
Do you want some sweet juice If so, please, watch our new dance We have been working hard on it for a very long time, so we hope for your support; ) Have a nice drink Support us on BOOSTY Follow us on other SNS: tg: t. me, mottisteam tiktok: Dancers: Goeun HINA t. me, kitiktimamumav Dosie YUSHA t. me, ksuuuushkkk Ireh EFF t. me, effrayO Yuki MARIE t. me, apieceofmarie Chaein TAERY t. me, enterty Swan MAKAROSHKAE t. me, Makaroshkaee Music by: PURPLE KISS RBW Entertainment filmed by t. me, DarTocam Thank you for watching