Genetics of color blindness
The condition is often inherited. Other causes include certain eye diseases and medications. More men than women are affected. Color blindness usually involves the inability to distinguish between shades of red and green. There is no treatment for inherited color blindness. If color blindness is caused by another condition, treating the underlying cause can help. , ColorBlindness, RedGreenColorBlindness, genetics, NikolaysGeneticsLessons, geneticDisorder, mutation, geneticDisease, xchromosome, recessiveGeneticDisorder, redgreenColorBlindness, Hemophilia, physiology, biology, visionDeficiency, sexlinked, ColorBlindnessDiseaseOrMedicalCondition, HealthIndustry, GeneticsFieldOfStudy, Xlinked, GeneticsExamQuestionsSolutions, ColorVisionDeficiency