10 Min FULL BODY HIIT WORKOUT, Low Impact, No Jumping, Beginner Friendly
Sign up for our free Get Fit in 7 Days workout program: Do this 10 Min beginnerfriendly HIIT workout for strength and cardio. This is a Low impact, no jumping, workout so it s easy on the knees and a great workout to do if you are feeling a little bit out of shape or just tired for the day but still want to get a good workout in. Quick and easy No need for any equipment and you can do it at home. It s a fullbody routine that covers legs, glutes, abs, upper body, and more and is good to increase your overall strength and cardio. DO THIS WARM UP BEFORE: DO THIS COOL DOWN AFTER: Let s get after it babes xoxo No Bad Addiction SHOP NOBADADDICTION: DON T FORGET TO FOLLOW US: Instagram: nobadaddiction ht